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Stable products

Héma-Québec is the distributor of stable products in Quebec. It is responsible for purchasing products from suppliers, managing the Quebec reserve and supplying hospitals. Some of the stable products that it distributes are manufactured with the plasma that it collects.

The categories of stable products distributed by Héma-Québec encompass:

  • intravenous immunoglobulins, or IgIV (plasma-derived);
  • antihemophilic or coagulation factors (plasma-derived or recombinant);
  • albumin (plasma-derived);
  • hyperimmune immunoglobulins (plasma-derived).

Stable products distributed by Héma-Québec

Discover the detailed list of stable products distributed by Héma-Québec, in keeping with the MSSS guidelines.

See stable products distributed (2023-07-20)

Stable products whose availability is conditional

Access to these products is governed by the MSSS. After authorization from the MSSS, a delivery time of three weeks is to be expected.

See stable products available under MSSS guidelines

Read the instructions below for how to get these products. Links are protected and only accessible to clinicians who have a health care network email address that gives them access to the SIIATH SharePoint. If you’re unable to access these documents, please contact your blood bank.

Following documents are available in French only.