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Vanlier donneur de plasma Vanlier, plasma donor

One hour. One life.

Plasma, the liquid part of the blood, contains proteins that are used to produce drugs that are vital for the treatment of many diseases. There is an ever-growing need for this one-of-a-kind resource. Fortunately, you can donate plasma every six days!  

Who can donate plasma?

We’re always looking for incredible donors! You can donate if you are in good health and meet the eligibility criteria.

How does plasma donation work?

Donating plasma takes about 45 minutes. You can expect to spend about an hour at the donation site for the entire donation process.

Where can I donate plasma?

Plasma can be donated at Héma-Québec donation centres, where you will be warmly welcomed in a modern, comfortable atmosphere.

Antoine donneur de plasma Antoine, plasma donor
Is this your first time giving plasma?

We're here to guide you through the steps of the donation process and answer all your questions.

Get ready to donate
Icône foire aux questions

Frequently asked questions


Plasma donation takes around 45 minutes, plus some extra time to arrive, fill out the health screening questionnaire, meet with the nurses and, after the donation, rest and have a snack. Your good deed should take just about an hour, all told! 


You can give plasma every 6 days. That means that donating plasma is ideal for people who want to donate more often. By comparison, blood can only be donated every 56 or 84 days, depending on gender. 

Understanding donation

Blood components
composantes sang

Sang, plasma, plaquettes

Blood components

Plasma : From Donation To Distribution
Banque de sang


Plasma : From Donation To Distribution

What is apheresis donation?

Plasma, plaquettes

What is apheresis donation?

What is plasma?


What is plasma?