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What is the Stem Cell Donor Registry?

Managed by Héma-Québec, the Stem Cell Donor Registry brings together everyone in Québec interested in donating stem cells.

A registry as valuable as your stem cells

The genetic profile of each candidate is kept in a computerized database, linked to the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA), which brings together millions of potential stem cell donors throughout the world.

Why is it important for the Stem Cell Donor Registry to reflect the population?

Donor-recipient matches are extremely rare. That means that the more potential donors there are in the Registry, the higher the likelihood of finding a match for a patient—and the more ethnically diverse the Registry, the higher the chances that everyone can access life-saving treatments.

How many potential donors are signed up with the international registries affiliated with Héma-Québec?

In total, there are approximately 40 million potential donors on these registries, and thanks to the many recruitment efforts in different countries, this number is only growing.

Would you like to verify your eligibility to donate stem cells?

Ready to sign up for the Registry?