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Platelet Immunology Laboratory

Platelet immunology testing is done at the time of:

  • anti-HPA alloimmunization in a situation of fetal-maternal platelet incompatibility; 
  • refractoriness to platelet transfusions; 
  • autoimmunity in a thrombocytopenia situation; 
  • diagnosis of hereditary constitutional thrombopathy. 

Serology and genotyping services

Héma-Québec’s platelet immunology laboratory does genotyping of HPA and HLA antigens and analyses for anti-HPA and anti-HLA antibodies to help health care professionals manage thrombocytopenic people. Specifically, our laboratories conduct the investigations listed below by analyzing for and identifying anti-HPA (HPA-1 to 5 and HPA-15) and anti-HLA (Class I) antibodies, as well as HPA (HPA-1 to 11 and HPA-15) and HLA (locus A and B) genotyping.

  • Investigation of cases of patients who are refractory to platelet transfusion for transfusion support
  • Investigation of neonatal thrombocytopenia cases
  • Investigation of unexplained autoimmune thrombocytopenia
  • Support for the registries of typed HPA and HLA platelet donors


icônes mythes


  • Blood Regulations (SOR/2013-178) – Guidance Document: Blood Regulations, Health Canada
  • CAN/CSA-Z902 standard – Blood and Blood Components
  • ASHI standard – American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
  • ISO 15189:12 standard – Medical Laboratories –Particular requirements for quality and competence. Standards Council of Canada.