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Collecting mother's milk from A to Z

Once you are registered and qualified, you can start collecting your surplus milk for the Public Mothers’ Milk Bank, in compliance with hygiene measures. To become familiar with these measures, consult the Information Guide for Donating Mother's Milk.

How do I collect my milk? 

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water then dry them with a clean towel.
  2. Clean your breast and nipple with a clean, damp cloth, working outwards from the nipple. Dry your breast well.
  3. Do not use any powders, perfume, or scented soap or body lotion.
  4. Keep your breast clean.
  5. Use a fresh nursing pad for each feeding.

Caution: Breast skin is fragile. Do not disinfect your breast; simply keep it clean.

After each collection: 

  1. Thoroughly clean the breast pump components and collection bottles with hot soapy water. Favor an antibacterial soap. 
  2. Rinse them thoroughly with clear water. 
  3. Boil the breast pump components and collection bottles for 5 to10 minutes. 
  4. Then place them on a clean unused cloth. Avoid bottle holders or dish racks. 
  5. Allow them to air dry. 
  6. Store them in a clean place until the next collection.

Is there a minimum quantity of milk required to make a donation?

Each bottle holds up to 100 ml, but no minimum quantity is required. Try to reach at least 15 ml per bottle. Never fill a bottle above the 100 ml mark, as the milk expands when frozen.

How often should I collect my milk?

Collect your milk only if you have a surplus after feeding your infant, as you are able and feel comfortable doing so.

If I donate milk to the bank, will my baby still receive all the nutritional value he or she requires?

Yes, your baby receives all the nutrition required at every feeding.

How should I preserve my milk?

Keep it in the freezer (as far from the door as possible to protect against variations in temperature). Never refreeze milk that has thawed.

Would you like to verify your eligibility to donate?

Would you like to register to the Mothers’ Milk Bank?