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What is blood?

Whole blood is a living tissue that carries everything that human cells need to stay alive: oxygen, nutrients, chemical regulators, electrolytes, hormones, vitamins and substances that protect against disease. It also collects wastes so that the body can eliminate them. On average, the human body contains five to six litres of blood.

Does a blood substitute exist?

Blood is a unique resource for which modern science has not yet found an artificial substitute. In view of the complexity of its components and the defence mechanisms attributed to it, research scientists are still a long way from discovering a suitable substitute for this precious resource.

Blood must, therefore, be collected from humans..

Québec hospitals depend on the generosity of donors for their blood supply. These donors are individuals who are concerned about sharing the great wealth that circulates in their veins.

Several thousand patients, both children and adults, would not recover their health without blood donations.

In fact, only 3% of the population of Quebecers who are eligible to donate blood actually give this gift of life.

Would you like to verify your eligibility to donate blood?

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