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October 23, 2023

Héma-Québec releases 2022-2023 annual report

Montréal, October –  Héma-Québec’s 2022–2023 Annual Report is now publicly available on the organization’s website. Héma-Québec is proud to mark another year of continued success in its mission to efficiently meet the needs of the Québec population for quality blood and other biological products of human origin.

Over the last year, 151,259 donors have made a total of 297,258 blood donations, while 21,968 plasma donors made it possible to deliver 452,302 units of stable blood products. Héma-Québec has also continued to carry out and expand its important work in other areas of public health, including stem cell donation for transplants, human tissue donation and mother’s milk donation, as well as specialized laboratory services.

The teams at Héma-Québec stepped up this year to tackle the many challenges involved in meeting the goals set out in the organization’s 2021–2025 Strategic Plan. Since being appointed the exclusive distributor of human tissue in the province, Héma-Québec has been actively preparing to take on full responsibility for the supply of human tissue to Québec’s health and social services system as of fall 2024. Héma-Québec’s notable achievements in 2022–2023 also include the opening of the Saint Bruno Donor Centre in the Montérégie area. The new donor centre opened to great success and has continued to see growth in donations.

Another groundbreaking initiative of the past year was Héma-Québec’s adoption of a gender neutral donor questionnaire, which enabled Héma-Québec to eliminate the three-month exclusion period for men who have sex with men and who are sexually active. Héma-Québec aims to continue making the donation process as inclusive as possible while supplying safe products to Quebecers. Steps have also been taken to create as seamless and pleasant a donor experience as possible.

Looking back on its achievements and continued progress, Héma-Québec is celebrating its 25th anniversary brimming with a renewed sense of optimism for the future ahead.

icône de coeur

About Héma-Québec

Héma-Québec’s mission is to efficiently meet the Québec population’s needs for blood and other high-quality biological products of human origin. Héma-Québec has over 1,600 employees, more than 200,000 donors of blood, stem cells, mother’s milk and human tissues, as well as thousands of blood drive volunteers. Every year, Héma-Québec delivers nearly 800,000 biological products of human origin to Québec’s hospitals in order to meet patients’ needs.

Give blood. Give life.


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